Monday, December 05, 2005

Weekends and Alcohol

Well another weekend is coming to an end.
I pulled two nightshifts.
Nightshifts and weekends mean one thing....alcohol and drugs.
I guess 75% of our work involves one or the other.
Its not just the "unconscious" (meaning very drunk) patients we have to deal with, but the intoxicated bystanders/friends.
They all have a story to tell you but unfortunately they all want to say it at the SAME time!
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with having a good time, but we need to draw the line somewhere. But getting legless and lying in your own vomit is probably stepping over that line. So I promise I won't do it again! :-)


dr-exmedic said...

Combining your last two posts, horses + alcohol = stupid people.

become a paramedic said...

I think most people believe that you get better sleep when drunk and that is partially correct. It is because that alcohol is a sedative which makes you easier to fall asleep. At some point the toxic after-effects of alcohol (dehydration, irritation of stomach lining, etc.) also start to kick in, which often wakes you up and that's what happened to you. :D