Thursday, December 01, 2005

Pot of Glue

Someone had fallen off a off we went.
We arrived at our destination and were met by a young girl who said her father had fallen off his horse.
He was about 200metres away and as it was thick bush, we were unable to take the ambulance.
We got the equipment out of the ambulance that we thought we would need and started along a well worn track.
When we got to the patient, he was lying on the ground complaining of pain in his thoracic and lumbar areas.
A rather sheepish horse was "hiding" behind a tree about 10 metres away.
The patient told us that his horse had spooked and he had fallen off onto his back. His legs were flexed back so that his ankles were either side of his head. At that moment, his horse had fallen on top of him...yowch!
I checked the patient out. He didn't seem to have any neuro defecits (numbness,tingling, loss of senstaion, etc.), so we started to manoeuvre the scoop stretcher under him.
At this point, the patient insisted that he could walk.
I was adamant that he didn't move. After all, he had a horse fall on him while he had his legs flexed back. The chances of him having sustained some serious injury was pretty high.
He then asked where his horse was. "Its behind the tree" I said.
"No wonder he's bloody hiding" he said. "I would too, when it realizes what I'm going to do to it!"
As he looked at the horse, I'm sure he saw a large pot of glue.
Later we found that the paient had fractured several vertebrae in is back.
I feel sorry for the horse when the patient gets out of hospital.

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