Friday, November 04, 2005

Two driver?

My partner and I were call to a "car versus tree" about midnight.
When we got there, we saw a car imbedded into a tree. As we approached the car we heard a few groans.
I opened the door and the first thing that struck me was the strong smell of alcohol. This is a common occurence unfortunately.
There were two middle age people on the front passenger seat. A male sitting on top of a female.
She was the one doing all the groaning......he was huge.
"You guys OK?"
"I'm OK but she's hurt" was the slurred response.
I checked out male rather quickly and established he was fine and moved him off of the woman.
She had suffered a fracture leg. I think she was glad to be rid of the heavy weight off of her.
We started treating her and I asked the driver why did he move from the drivers seat on to the woman.
"I wasn't driving.....she was!!"
This mental giant had obviously been rehearsing this response without thinking it through.
"C'mon mate, she wasn't driving" I said
"She was" he insisted "and I was in the passenger seat".
"OK" I said "so after the accident, she got out of the drivers seat, moved across to the passenger seat which you were in and then squeezed herself under you. Then she proceded to put on her seat belt. All this with a broken leg"
He thought about it for a while and then said "Well I moved forward a bit so she get the seatbelt on!"
I don't know what was worse....the fact that he had no problems with trying to drop his wife right in it or the fact that he drives a vehicle with only one functioning brain cell!

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